Vydavateľ Bookla
Počet strán 111
Rok vydania 2024
Jazyk Slovenčina
Väzba Tvrdá väzba / Hardback
EAN 9788075687579
Adresa titulu https://www.artforum.sk/katalog/187678/rieka-kysuca-od-pramena-po-ustie
Je to kraj hornatý obklopený ihličnatými lesmi a v nich možno nájsť nielen menšie alebo väčšie usadlosti, ale aj dediny a dve okresná mestá Čadcu, Kysucké Nové Mesto, ale aj Turzovku, ktorá je zasa mestom pútnickým. Je to taktiež kraj, kde žijú príjemní ľudia a kraj bohatý na krásne prírodné scenérie, čo ponúkajú aktívny relax a pre fotografov skvelú inšpiráciu.
The presented book represents a publication with many photos and several texts in Slovak and in English and deals with Kysuca River, several towns, villages and home steads located at its banks. The book is mapping the Kysuca flow from its source situated near Makov up to its mouth in Budatín, where it pours in the River of Váh. However, the entire region name Kysuce is derived based on the name of Kysuca River as well. However, the entire region name Kysuce is derived based on the name of Kysuca River as well. It is a mountainous region surrounded by mostly coniferous forests, and in them you can find smaller and larger estates, as well as villages and three towns, two of which are district towns (Čadca and Kysucké Nové Mesto), as well as Turzovka, which is also a pilgrimage town, but it is also a region where pleasant people live and a region rich in beautiful natural scenery that offers many nice opportunities to those who like making photos.

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