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Toto prehlásenie bolo naposledy aktualizované 22.04.2023.
Just as BDL's bestselling All the Songs series-which has over 400,000 copies in print-presents a comprehensive, song-by-song view of major bands and music history, Steven Spielberg All the Films: The Stories Behind Every Movie, Episode, and Short celebrates the inimitable Hollywood icon and his illustrious film career, from his earliest homemade movies to the 2022 release of his latest feature, The Fabelmans. Organized chronologically and covering every short film, television episode, and blockbuster movie that Steven Spielberg has ever directed, Steven Spielberg All the Films draws upon years of research to tell the behind-the-scenes stories of how each project was conceived, cast, and produced; from the creation of the costumes to the search for perfect locations; details about Spielberg's work with longtime collaborators like George Lucas, producer Kathleen Kennedy, and composer John Williams; and of course, the direction of some of Hollywood's most memorable scenes.
Spanning more than fifty years, this book details the creative processes that resulted in numerous classic films like E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Jaws, Jurassic Park, The Color Purple, Schindler's List, and Saving Private Ryan (to name just a few). Newer work like Lincoln, The Post, and The Fabelmans is also featured alongside awards stats, original release dates, box office totals, casting details, and other insider scoops that will keep fans turning pages. Featuring hundreds of vivid photographs that celebrate one of cinema's most iconic artists, Steven Spielberg All the Films is the authoritative guide to the man who invented the Hollywood blockbuster.
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